About Me
Hey, guys!
Welcome to my Author webpage!
My pseudonym is Shera Lynn Ramsey. I like my privacy so I don't post photos of myself or give out my legal name, hence the pic of my beautiful cat Luna. I am genderfluid, a pansexual with polyamorous tendencies, and a practicing witch. I have three children, a few more I've taken in as my own along the way, and a multitude of nephews, and nieces. They keep me on my toes and constantly entertained. They have been my inspiration and my reason for working toward my goal of becoming a writer.
My imagination has always been a safe-haven since I was a small child, and I have found a treasure trove of ideas, inspiration, and encouragement within the confines of my mind. Books, movies, and comics were always an escape for me from the harsh realities of my childhood. I started writing as a teen as a way to escape my hardship and the pain it caused. Because of this, I became a writer with the hope that my work will serve others the way my favorite books, movies, and comics served me.
My first published book is for mature audiences, but I write many genres and age levels, including children's books, YA, fantasy, paranormal, and romance. I write whatever comes to me, and I hope that you guys will enjoy the stories I have to tell.